Image credits: "Nuclear/Sky" by Truthout.org;
"Bird's Nest Stadium from across the pond (2)" by oopsilon; "Happy Goat color page"
© 2012 Coloring pages for kids;
"Cow" by wwarby; "Real Estate Client Referrals Construction" by RealEstateClientReferrals; "Charles Baudelaire" by seriykotik1970; Radiation warning symbol (public domain); "Charles Baudelaire's Grave in Cimetière du Montparnasse" by gseven; "Goat" by HeyThereSpaceman; "Nuclear Winter Recon" by Vermin Inc. All images CC BY-NC unless otherwise noted.
Collage by Jasmina Damnjanovic
Table of Contents
Letter to the Reader (html)
Research Papers
Impact of Capacity Development in Livestock Production:
The Case of Farmer Livestock School in the Philippines
Mary Jane B. Alcedo
Abstract (html); Paper (pdf)
刘文君 and 王鹏
Abstract (html); Paper (pdf)
Contextualisation poético-politique du spleen moderne chez Baudelaire
Minoru Sasaki
Abstract (html); Paper (pdf)
Special Theme: March 11 and Beyond
"You are You Are Contagious": When Talk of Radiation Fears Overwrites the Truth
Akiyo Cantrell and Chad Nilep
Abstract (html); Paper (pdf)
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