Third International Symposium on
Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
Präferenz in der Nominalphrasenbildung, deutsch-japanisch kontrastiv:
– Der deutsche Relativsatz und das japanische adnominale Attribut –
Manshu Ide
Rikkyo University
This paper proposes alternatives for the German noun phrase with relative clause: 1) attributive adjectives, 2) appositions, 3) prepositional attributives and 4) noun-derivations. The Japanese learner of the German language tends to use relative clauses very often as attributives, maybe because they automatically translate the Japanese adnominal phrases (rentai-kei) into relative clauses as the corresponding equivalences. Learners don’t use the attributive forms, which they don’t know in their mother tongue, such as appositions, prepositional attributives and noun-derivations. On the contrary, the German language has preference in forming noun phrases, and changing the form among the equivalences is obligatory. It is important to emphasize this stylistic convention of the German language by introducing the formal alternatives concretely, so that the learner gets to know this concept of style-convention and the repertoire of forms from which they can choose appropriately.
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